What is the best size for my baby?

When choosing the right sleeping bag, size plays an important role, as it should be neither too big nor too small. This is a question frequently asked by our customers. There are many doubts about the sizes and in this post we are going to solve them.
Baby sleepingbag
In a baby's first years, a sleeping bag is one of the best alternatives to a blanket, as it offers security, warmth and protection. Above all, it prevents the baby's face from being covered, so they don't suffocate at night and can breathe freely.
There are two ways to determine the size of the bag:
  • Full sacks: Measure the body from head to toe and add 10/15 cm, this way you will have the sack size your baby needs.
  • Sleepingbag with feet: Measure the child's body from head to toe and do not add any cm, this is the sack size your baby needs.

Mainly, if in doubt between two sizes, we recommend choosing the smaller one, our bags are usually sized large. Every child and every body is different and there are no exact measurements. We prefer to size generously, for two reasons: to make sure that it will fit any baby and to make it last that little bit longer which is always necessary.


Below is an infographic showing the measurements of our sleeping bags. We divide it into three groups, as there are different types of sleeping bags:


Size chart_baby sleepingbag

size chart_baby sleepingbag

size chart_baby sleepingbag

If my baby has just been born, can he/she wear a sleepingbag?

We usually recommend that you start using the bag from one month or one and a half months of age. As we often say, it depends on the baby and the size.

new born baby sleepingbag

What we often tell our customers is to be careful if the head goes inside the sleeping bag once it is closed. If the head does not fit through the neck of the sleeping bag, then you can use the sleeping bag. If, on the other hand, the head does go inside the bag once it is closed, we recommend not to use it as a precaution.
Recently, we have made the size 0-3 months, for cases like these, as the size 0-6 months, most of the time, is too big for newborn babies.